What Are Antioxidants? – The Benefits and The Danger of Overdosing an Antioxidant


What Are Antioxidants? – The Benefits and The Danger of Overdosing an Antioxidant


Antioxidants are powerful nutrients that protect your body’s cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants have countless health benefits . If you’re not currently eating them, you’re missing out. As a result, they boost your health in countless ways. They are something you definitely want to be eating to enjoy optimal health. For example, they fight free radicals. Indeed, your body uses oxygen to extract energy from the foods you eat. But in doing this, it releases harmful by-products called free radicals. If these free radicals are left to accumulate in your body, they damage your cells and vital organs and have a number of unpleasant side effects.

Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals, protect against the damage they cause and have a positive effect on your health. However, consuming excessive amounts of antioxidants can negate these benefits and also put your health at risk.  In this article I’ll be taking a detailed look at antioxidants, their benefits and listing four of their main health benefits. Then I will give you a detailed look at the dangers of overdosing on antioxidants and explain how to avoid them and how you can make them part of your diet.


The Role Of Antioxidants In Your Body

Oxygen is used by your body to extract and utilize the energy and nutrients within the foods you eat. However, these reactions produce a by-product called free radicals. These free radicals are extremely dangerous and damage the cells within your body. They have been linked with a number of negative symptoms including:

  • Increased cancer risk
  • Raised diabetes risk
  • Heightened signs of aging
  • Weak immune system


Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and prevent them from damaging your body. Not only do they protect you against all the negative side effects of free radicals. They also allow you to get the maximum benefit from the nutrients in the foods you eat. As a result, all your vital organs will function optimally and you’ll enjoy countless related health benefits by eating a diet that’s rich in antioxidants. Some of the main benefits of filling up on antioxidants include:

  • Healthy hair, nails and skin
  • Increased energy levels
  • Enhanced concentration
  • Upgraded memory
  • Improved vision



The Best Food Sources Of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are mainly found in plant based, so by eating a diet that contains plenty of fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables, you can supply your body with high levels of these health boosting nutrients. The list below highlights some of the main antioxidants and the richest food sources of them:

  • Manganese: Manganese helps the body activate enzymes and can be found in garlic, green tea and pineapples.

  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids are a large group of antioxidants that support the body in multiple ways. They can be found in almost every plant based food with berries, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and tea being particularly rich sources.

  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A’s main role in the body is to promote healthy vision. Carrots, dairy products and spinach are all excellent sources of this vitamin.

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen within the body. Some of the top food sources of this antioxidant include berries, citrus fruits and peppers.

  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a pure antioxidant and its main function is to fight free radicals within the body. It can be sourced from nuts, oils and wheat germ.


Now we will deepen the benefits of antioxidants a little further by grouping 4 of their main benefits.



Benefit 1 – Anti-Aging

Free radicals accelerate the aging process in numerous ways. They damage your hair, nail and skin cells and give them a dull, lifeless appearance. They also inhibit the function of your vital organs and reduce your energy levels.

By filling up on antioxidants, you can prevent this free radical damage. As a result, your hair, nails and skin will become more vibrant and full of color which makes you look younger. You’ll also feel younger because you’ll be full of energy and all your vital organs will be performing at their peak.



Benefit 2 – Disease Prevention

Free radicals have a highly negative effect on your vital organs and are believed to be one of the leading causes of some of the most common chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. However, if you eat a diet that’s rich in antioxidants, you can protect your vital organs from this oxidative damage and reduce your risk of contracting these chronic diseases.



Benefit 3 – Improved Memory

Your brain is one of the most susceptible vital organs to free radical damag. Over time this damage can lead to memory loss and related mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. By loading up on antioxidants, you can boost your brain, keep it safe from these unpleasant mental disorders and enhance your memory in the process.



Benefit 4 – Stronger Immune System

Free radicals limit the production of immune system cells and leave your body susceptible to disease, illness and infection. However, if you eat plenty of antioxidant rich foods, you can stimulate the production of immune system cells and put your body in the best possible position to fight infection and stay healthy and disease free.




Antioxidants are a must in nutrition and it is important to include them in the daily diet regimen to stay healthy. But you still have to know that taking antoxidants is not without risk if you abuse antioxidants. So read the rest of this article to make sure you never go overboard and be reasonable.



  1. Oxidative Damage

Free radicals are harmful by-products that get produced when your body uses oxygen to release the energy from the foods you eat. They damage your body’s cells and vital organs, accelerate the aging process and contribute to various chronic diseases. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and protect your body against the oxidative damage they cause. However, when you overdose on antioxidants, this benefit is lost and the high quantities of antioxidants actually speed up the rate at which free radicals damage your body.



  1. Organ Damage

Excess antioxidants can be very damaging to your vital organs. Your body can only effectively process a certain amount of these powerful nutrients and if you ingest too many, toxic levels can build up and start to have a negative effect your vital organs. For example, numerous studies have shown that high levels of vitamin A can seriously damage the liver. Other research has shown that mega doses of antioxidants can cause heart failure. In addition to this, the accelerated rate of oxidative damage caused by heavy antioxidant consumption can slowly destroy your vital organs and lead to long term complications and problems.



  1. Blood Problems

Eating large amounts of antioxidants leaves both your blood cells and blood vessels susceptible to damage. This results in a number of health complications which include anemia, high blood pressure and high blood glucose levels. In the long term, these blood problems can contribute to more serious health disorders including heart attacks, organ failure and stroke.


  1. Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases are long term health disorders that often have a significant impact on your body. Some of the most common chronic diseases include cancer, diabetes and heart disease. While it’s not known exactly what causes chronic diseases, a huge volume of research has linked oxidative damage and organ damage with an increased risk of chronic disease. Therefore, by consuming large amounts of antioxidants you’re much more likely to develop these unpleasant health disorders. Additionally, eating high volumes of antioxidants can actually aggravate existing chronic diseases and increase the severity of the symptoms.




As you can see, there are lots of reasons for you to fill up on antioxidants. To get the maximum benefit from these powerful nutrients, to increase your antioxidant intake, try and eat plant based foods with every meal. Fruits, nuts, vegetables and seeds are all excellent sources of these powerful nutrients and by eating them regularly, you can enjoy all the benefits listed above and live a long, healthy life. Although overdosing on antioxidants is dangerous, it can be easily prevented by avoiding supplements and eating a balanced, healthy diet instead. Antioxidant supplements often. contain mega doses which cause the negative symptoms discussed in the end of this article. Natural food sources on the other hand contain just the right amount of antioxidants to boost your health without putting your body at risk.