Top 5 Metabolism Boosting Foods and Top 5 Metabolism Boosting Drinks


Top 5 Metabolism Boosting Foods and Top 5 Metabolism Boosting Drinks

Metabolism is an extremely popular buzz word in health and fitness circles. And as a result, the effects of metabolism boosting foods and drinks often get hyped up to unrealistic levels. However, if you can look beyond the hype. You will learn the truth about these metabolism boosting foods and drinks, you can still benefit from them.

If you read this article it is certainly because you want to increase your metabolism and burn more calories. So each day, eating and drinking the right foods and drinks is a key part of the process. The wrong types of food  or drinks can limit the amount of calories you burn each day. And this will slow down your metabolism by interfering with your body’s essential processes. However, the right foods and the right drinks can give your metabolism a kick. And make a huge difference when it comes to the total calories you burn in a day. That’s why in this article I’m going to be listing five of the best metabolism boosting foods and drinks.


1) Chicken

Chicken contains an impressive 35g of protein per 4 oz. breast. Studies have shown that up to 25% of the calories in protein are burned off during digestion. Which means high protein foods such as chicken are a great way to enhance your metabolism. In addition to the protein, chicken also contains a range of essential nutrients. Which ensure that your body is functioning optimally and prevent your metabolism from slowing down.


Chicken is not a fat meat so you will not risk anything if you like to eat it often.


2) Chili Peppers

Chili peppers are well known for their metabolism boosting properties. This spice will temporarily increase the number of calories your body burns in two main ways. First, due to their hot and spicy nature, chili peppers raise your body’s temperature. And your body then uses up extra calories as it attempts to regulate this temperature change. Second, chili peppers naturally increase the amount of body fat you burn after eating them.

In general, spices allow your body to burn a lot more calories. Spices creates a process in your body that increases its temperature. When the body temperature increases, your body must regulate it. This is to keep body temperature always equal. That’s why it makes you burn more calories.



3) Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are quickly becoming one of the most popular health foods around. They are packed full of fiber and protein. Which both help to rev up your metabolism by increasing the amount of calories your body burns during digestion. Flaxseeds are also a great source of healthy fats. Which help your body run smoothly and maintain an optimal metabolic rate.


Flaxseed also allows your body to regulate its intestinal system and helps prevent constipation.



4) Salmon

Salmon is a tasty, tender fish that contains 31g of metabolism boosting protein per 4 oz. serving. It also contains high levels of healthy fats along with numerous vitamins and minerals. Which keep your metabolism ticking over and ensure that you burn the maximum amount of calories possible each day.



5) Soybeans

If you prefer getting your protein from vegetables, soybeans are an excellent way to fill up on this nutrient. Soybeans fire up your metabolism in the process. A single cup serving of soybeans provides you with 29g of protein along with 10g of fiber. Both of which increase the rate of calories you burn while digesting your food. Soybeans are also rich in plenty of different essential nutrients. Many of which directly contribute to an optimal metabolism.


Now that you know everything about the best food that will make you burn as much calories as possible. Let’s drink! The drink is essential to stay healthy. But you have to know what to drink to keep burning calories all day long.



1) Water

Drinking eight glasses of water per day has numerous health benefits. One of which is that it maintains an optimal metabolism. While it doesn’t give your metabolism a direct boost, staying hydrated does prevent your metabolism from slowing down. And therefore ensures that you always burn the maximum amount of possible calories each day.


Do you suffer from water retention? So drink enough water. Drinking enough water can also help you avoid water retention and better eliminate body waste.


2) Black Tea

Like water, black tea helps you stay hydrated. And ensures that your metabolism doesn’t slow down as a result of dehydration. In addition to this, black tea is full of health boosting flavan-3-ols. Which have been shown to boost your metabolism by as much as 4%. In addition to their metabolism boosting properties, flavan-3-ols also enhance blood flow. It  can protect against chronic disease, strengthen your immune system and much more.


3) Green Tea

Green tea is another fantastic metabolism boosting drink. It contains higher concentrations of flavan-3-ols than black tea and as a result, it’s an even more potent metabolism booster. There are plenty of different varieties of green tea to try with dragonwell, gunpowder, matcha and sencha being some of the most popular types. So find a variety that you like and then drink it regularly to increase the daily amount of calories you burn.


4) Smoothies

Smoothies are an excellent metabolism boosting drink and if you pick the right ingredients, you can use them to significantly increase the calories you burn in a day. For the best results, make a smoothie that contains lots of fiber (which can be sourced from fruits) and protein (which can be sourced from nuts and seeds). These two ingredients greatly increase the calories you burn during digestion, so by drinking high fiber, high protein smoothies you can really rev up your metabolism.



5) Coffee

Coffee is yet another healthy hot drink which has a positive effect on your metabolism. As well as keeping you hydrated and stopping your metabolism slowing down, coffee also contains high levels of chlorogenic acid. Studies have shown that this health boosting phytonutrient naturally raises your metabolic rate by stimulating fat burning within the body. Chlorogenic acid also enhances your health by fighting free radicals, promoting blood flow, strengthening your heart and much more.



I hope this article has given you a better understanding of metabolism boosting drinks and the effect they have on your daily caloric burn. While they won’t magically blast through thousands of calories each day, by consuming them regularly, you can give your metabolism a notable permanent boost.

By incorporating these five foods and drinks into your diet, you can give your metabolism a notable boost and burn more calories each day. So if you’re not currently eating and drinking any of these five foods and drinks, now is the time to make some changes and fire up your metabolism.